Brimelow on immigration

In a long article posted at vdare on June 5, Peter Brimelow takes a stand on the immigration issue that is both embattled and deeply hopeful—a “we will fight on the landing grounds” kind of spirit which is exactly what American patriots need at this time. Even if, he writes in Churchillian mode, some version of S.2611 with its amnesty and “guest worker” provisions were to become law, that would not be the end—not the end of the immigration issue nor the end of America. It would be the beginning, because it would inspire an outraged American patriotic majority to unprecedented political action to get control of immigration. Like me, Brimelow remains hopeful over the long run. As I have said many times, America and other Western countries may (and perhaps must) endure many disasters resulting from the mass Third-World immigration they have so foolishly welcomed within their borders, but those very disasters will awaken the people of the West to assert themselves as nations once again and do what they need to do to defend their own existence. As Tennyson said, though much is taken, much abides.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 17, 2006 08:05 AM | Send

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