Kakutani goes to the dark side

David Horowitz reports that Michiku Kakutani, the long-time lead literary reviewer for the New York Times, has joined the lunatic fringe:

According to Kakutani, [Ron Susskind in his new book The One Percent Solution] reveals that al Qeada designed a delivery system for a lethal gas to be delivered in the New York Subway system, and an extremely virulent form of anthrax that could be “readily weaponized.”

Right after describing these horrors, Kakutani writes: “Just as disturbing as al Qaeda’s plans and capabilities are the descriptions of the Bush administrations handling of the war on terror and its willful determination to go to war in Iraq.”

Yes, the Bush administration’s efforts to protect America from Muslim terrorism are “just as disturbing” as Muslim terrorists’ plans to mass murder people in New York City. Maybe Ann Coulter’s comment about which building Timothy McVeigh should have blown up was not so outrageous after all.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 23, 2006 10:02 AM | Send

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