The promoter of the First Universal Nation admits he doesn’t like to think

Ben Wattenberg, interviewing Francis Fukuyama on Think Tank, July 1, 2006, asked Fukuyama what he’s going to do next.

Fukuyama: You can write and talk, or you can read and think. I’ve written three books in the last three years and I need to read and think for a while.

Wattenberg: That’s a great thing, to read and think. When I do it I get all antsy.

Over and over, the neocons keep telling us that they are not serious people. Yet at the same time, with the same care and thoughtfulness as if they were ordering a Chinese take-out, they presume to re-order the world. And people listen to them. How long can this go on?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 01, 2006 09:11 AM | Send

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