Should UN take over the West Bank and civilize the Arabs?

That’s what David Horowitz says he wishes would happen, and it would happen, he says, if the UN were a decent organization. But given that the Israelis, whose very lives depended on it, could not handle the hideous stress of policing the savage Palestinians in the West Bank (the Israeli soldiers’ demoralization resulting from that miserable task was the reason Israel handed the territories over to the Palestinians and began the disastrous “peace process”), what makes Horowitz believe that UN peace keepers, who have zero stake in the Israel-Palestinian question, would be able to handle it?

It was UN peacekeepers who meekly stepped aside and allowed the mass murder at Srebenica. Yet Horowitz thinks they could govern and control the most savage population in world history, who delight in sacrificing their children as suicide bombers.

There is only one path that can solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem, but in order to see the rightness and the practicability of it, we must step outside of liberal pre-conceptions. The solution is to remove the Palestinians from the lands west of the Jordan.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 14, 2006 05:43 PM | Send

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