Horowitz: It’s the Koran

David Horowitz writes today at FrontPage Magazine:

The source of the terror in Lebanon, as in Iraq, is to be found in the Koran and in the despotisms of the Arab Middle East. But the appeasement camp cannot face the reality that its enemy is implacable and its hatred uncaused by anything its targets—Jews, Christians, “infidels”—have done.

While Horowitz has, of course, published over the last few years a number of articles by other authors (including myself) arguing that the Koran is the ultimate authoritative source of Muslim aggression and terrorism, to my knowledge this is the first time that Horowitz himself has made this point. Given that Horowitz’s main political “take” has always been to attribute the troubles of the modern West to radical leftist ideology rather than to the intrinsic charactistics of various peoples, cultures, and civilizations, the comment is significant. In a world as steeped in evil and lies as ours is (and it especially seems so to me this week), we should be grateful when we see someone of Horowitz’s caliber taking a step toward the truth—not just any truth, but the truth that can, quite literally, save us.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 31, 2006 04:37 PM | Send

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