Eternal Jenin

In the dark night of the soul, said F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is always 3 o’clock in the morning. And in the lurid fantasies of the anti-Western mind, it is always the Jenin massacre. There is mounting evidence the deaths in Qana were staged by Hezbollah, or Hezbollywood as Michelle Malkin calls it. The bodies seem to have been dead for days, and moved from another location to the basement of the building prior to the building’s collapse. Amid this grotesque scenario there is humor. EU Referendum has a fascinating series of photos in which the same man is seen over and over again in a variety of outfits and a variety of settings carrying dead children out of rubble; not only that, but he is the same man who was photographed carrying dead children ten years ago during a previous such incident at Qana. Malkin’s favorite blogger, Allah Pundit, comments:

We’re right on the border of “Loose Change” land now. Thisclose.
But … it does look like it’s the same guy.
There’s probably an innocent explanation. He’s a member of the local civil defense. Or he’s just a villager with a helmet who’s happy to help out in a tough spot. Or, perhaps, he’s a member of Hezbollah.
Either way, he sure does seem to get off on having his picture taken with dead babies.
And there sure do seem to be a lot of photographers willing to help him out.

Alan Levine writes

While I would be pleased to learn that it was all a put-up job, the fact is that incidents similar to the one that was SUPPOSED to have happened are all too common in war. In fact, there was a disaster very much like that at Qana, only worse, during the last part of World War II, in the Netherlands on March 3, 1945. RAF bombers attempting to attack German V-2 launch sites in the Hague missed their target and killed upwards of 500 Dutch civilians—far more than were allegedly killed at Qana; further; these were innocent people of an Allied country, not supporters of our enemies. Everyone involved felt bad about it, it caused a major inquiry, but no one ran around screaming that it was a “massacre” or that the British should not attack enemy missile sites or that it made the Allies as bad as the Nazis.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 01, 2006 01:19 AM | Send

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