Moderate Canadian Muslim steps aside after death threats

A moderate Muslim, Tarek Fatah, has resigned as communications director of the Canadian Muslim Congress and is leaving the organization after receiving death threats and other harassment from his fellow Muslims. To give an idea of the kind of stands Fatah has taken, here is an article he wrote about his shock at hearing 2,000 Muslims lustily cheer a Muslim speaker who said that Western civilization is doomed. (However, Fatah’s moderate convictions are questionable, as explained here.)

Will something as shocking as the use of death threats to push a moderate Muslim out of a “mainstream” Muslim organization make the pro-open liberals, neoconservatives, and conservatives question their view that Muslims can assimilate into Western society? No, it will not. Why? Because, ultimately, the open-borderites’ support for open borders has nothing to do with the belief that non-Western immigrants can all assimilate into the West. Their support for open borders is based on their desire to make the West non-white, because only a West without its historic white majority can be free of the taint of discriminatory and racist whiteness.. Whether Muslims are successfully assimilating into the universalist West (which is what the “conservatives” say they want), or not assimilating (which the left openly wants), whether immigrants are coming in on the basis of individual rights (the conservatives’ preference), or on the basis of group rights (the left’s preference), does not change the ultimate objective of the racial transformation of the West, an objective that is shared by both the “conservatives” and the left.

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James N. writes:

Key concept: The reaction of the others to our whiteness is not about what we DO. It is about what we ARE. We can change what we DO. The only way to change what we ARE is to cease to exist.

A reader writes:

Seems to me it’s not necessarily to be non white but to be UNIVERSAL. Can’t admit that some groups may not quite be right for UNIVERSAL nation.

LA replies:

Same thing. To be universal we must cease being predominantly white. Therefore we must become nonwhite.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 04, 2006 02:00 AM | Send

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