The entire Muslim leadership in Britain threatens terrorist attacks

Read this item at Powerline along with the linked story in the Telegraph and the linked letter from Britain’s most respectable Muslim leaders to the prime minister. The letter, as a correspondent to Powerline correctly ascertains, is a barely veiled threat that Britain must stop supporting Israel in the fight with Hezbollah or face terrorist attacks. The letter is signed by 38 Muslim groups and by the most noted Muslim persons in the Island nation, including four members of the House of Lords.

You know, sometimes I can’t help but feel that the Muslims get together each morning and say to each other: “What can we do today to prove VFR right?”

Of course some will say it’s an exaggeration to call this letter a threat. But suppose a well-dressed gentleman came into your candy store and said, “You know my cousin Mike? He’s the big guy standing outside at the corner. A real brute, isn’t he? Well, Mike’s an excitable guy, and sometimes I just can’t control him. If you don’t agree to give me $50 a week out of your receipts, as an expression of your friendship and regard for me, well, I’m a civilized type myself, I personally wouldn’t be offended that much, but Mike, well, he’s likely to be very offended and go nuts and kill you and your family. So for the benefit of all it would be wise for you to give me the money I’m asking.”

The letter from the Muslims of Britain to the British prime minister was only a little less blatant than that.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 14, 2006 06:01 AM | Send

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