After terror arrests, Muslim leaders demand sharia law; British official “sympathetic”

The absurd country once known as Great Britain has a cabinet post called Secretary of State for Communities. The person currently holding that office, Ruth Kelly, met for three hours with Muslim leaders to try to find ways to lessen Muslim extremism in the absurd country. Also present was John Prescott, the deputy prime minister. The Muslims initially made the same demand that was made by 38 Muslim organizations and three Muslim members of the House of Lords in a letter to Prime Minister Blair: Britain must clear its foreign policy with its Muslim community, or face terrorist attacks. Prescott and Kelly apparently said that that was impossible; how firmly they said it, and if with any chastisement of the Muslims for attempting to blackmail the government of the absurd country, is not clear. Then Syed Aziz Pasha, secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations of the Absurd Country and Ireland, asked that Muslim festivals be recognized as national holidays and that Muslim sharia law covering family life be instituted for Muslims. Explaining his position to reporters after the meeting, Pasha said, as reported in the Independent:

“In Scotland, they have a separate law. It doesn’t mean they are not part of the UK. We are asking for Islamic law which covers marriage and family life. We are willing to co-operate but there should be a partnership. They should understand our problems then we will understand their problems.”

I guess by “their problems” he means terrorism. Terrorism is not the Muslims’ problem, it’s the infidels’ problem. Give us sharia law, Pasha is saying, make the Islamic community a constitutive, self-governing part of your absurd country, as Scotland is, and we’ll be more cooperative with you on terrorism.

According to Pasha, Kelly replied that she would “look sympathetically at all the suggestions” that had been made. He added: “She agreed with my suggestion [that] it should be a partnership approach.”

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Karen writes from England:

The Moslems’ use of this terror disaster to blackmail the Government into changing foreign policy, giving them Moslem Bank holidays and Sharia Law are predictable. Their demands are getting more arrogant and forceful. What is less well known is that both Ruth Kelly and John Reid are Irish Roman Catholic immigrants with links to the IRA. Ruth Kelly’s grandfather was an IRA quartermaster and John Reid is an open supporter of the IRA who drives around in Government cars with IRA songs blaring. He has done this in the presence of Conservative MPs and party members and when this music has been commented upon (regarding its inappropriateness) and he has been asked to stop playing it, he has ordered people to get out of his car. Such is his arrogance and blatant contempt for his office, Government and country. Both Kelly and Reid are subversives.

With their Irish Republican terrorist connections, which have been discretely minimised, I would suggest that both have greater loyalties to Ireland and are more than happy to see the Moslems do what the IRA could not do. It is a disgrace that they have been allowed into Government. But I would not be surprised if they concede to Moslem demands. Both of them have backgrounds which make them hostile and antagonistic to the British state but still happy to live of its benefits.

The Moslem demands to be like Scotland are ominous. Scotland is historically a separate country with a totally different legal system (more like that of Germany or Holland), religion (Calvinism and almost the same as the Dutch Reformed Church), educational system and culture (strong Calvinist culture under which all minorities, RCs and non Europeans just get crushed). Scotland and England joined in the Act of Union. If the Moslems demand this, then they are actually demanding more than separate or self government. They are asking to be a separate state.

In Scotland education and residential areas are segregated with Moslems living in ghetto type areas close to the Irish RC immigrants and attending Roman Catholic schools where they are forced to attend mass and perform Catholic rituals. There are no Moslem schools because the state there refused to fund them. Moslems started a private school but the local government closed it after less than two years. Most Moslems work in Indian restaurants, kebab shops and related food industries or video stores. They are largely marginalised within society with no public positions. Mosques are few and all new applications for more mosques have met with fierce local opposition and been rejected. Many Moslems leave. In England Moslems get whatever they want with as many schools and mosques and community centres as they demand. Yet the other day a MCB member said Scotland was “better at integrating Moslems” which was strange as he just had a school and mosque request both rejected. Yet they are not integrated except in terms of attending RC schools and their demands are rejected and they are marginalised. I think this shows that the worse they are treated and the more they are forced to comply with the prevailing order, the more they respect the host society and the fewer demands they make.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 16, 2006 11:50 AM | Send

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