A march against liberalism

Cindy L. writes:

We’ve seen the “Day Without Immigrants” and its predecessor, several “Million Man Marches,” “Gay Pride” parades, marches for women’s rights and civil rights, rallies to save convicted murderers, etc., so isn’t the time about right for a “Take Back America” march by those of us who are fed up with our politicians and bureaucrats who ignore us or insist on mischaracterizing our legitimate concerns as phobias, nativism, or racism? I could see this potentially being a 50-million-plus march that could in fact be quite scary to those who need to start being a little afraid.

By the way, when someone accuses me as being Islamophobic, I simply agree with them. I think the term fits, actually, because I do fear Islam and seek to avoid it. Maybe we ought to start embracing more of the terms that the Left uses to disparage.

LA replies:

What a great idea. We should start talking this up.

However, this may not be as simple as it appears. What you’re really talking about is a March against Modern Liberalism. Under modern liberalism, any act of rational discrimination in defense of America, such as a limit to the number of legal immigrants, or serious enforcement of the law against illegal aliens, or the profiling or exclusion of sharia-believing Muslims, is considered racist. The purpose of this march is to oppose liberal anti-racism. This requires that we have an alternative to liberal anti-racism. What then is our non-anti-racist position? What discriminations do we think are legitimate, and why? Furthermore, we would need simple, understandable phrases by which to express our position.

Maybe it seems I am making things seem too difficult and discouraging a good idea. But I don’t see how we can effectively call for the end of the existing liberal orthodoxy, unless we have some kind of coherent and arguable alternative in mind.

On your last point, I agree. You are seizing on the other side’s term which implies an irrational fear of Muslims and you are saying, “Yes, I do have a fear of Muslims, a rational fear. And so should you.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 19, 2006 02:47 PM | Send

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