Are conservatives really winning the fertility race?

A reader sent me Arthur Brooks’s column in Opinion Journal arguing that because liberals are reproducing themselves at 25 percent below replacement level while conservatives are reproducing themselves (though just barely), conservatism will win over liberalism in the decades ahead. He also forwarded a note he had written to a liberal friend underscoring the above point.

I wrote back to him:

Are you sure that conservatives are winning over liberals? The ultimate purpose of conservatives is not to increase the number of conservatives, it’s to preserve our nation and civilization. The ultimate purpose of liberals is not to increase the number of liberals, it’s to destroy our nation and civilization. If liberals are underbreeding, they just bring in more non-European immigrants to take their places (which of course is actually happening—see Steve Sailer’s response to the Brooks article.) The conservatives, being right-liberals themselves, think all people can assimilate into America, so they believe that mass non-European immigration is compatible with the continued existence of America, so they support the liberals in increasing the Third-World population of America. This leads to the destruction of America and the liberals win.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 23, 2006 07:47 AM | Send

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