The obvious things that we must not know

There are certain things about Islam that are made upfront and center by Muslims themselves, and are studiously ignored by Westerners. Here are some of those things: Islam commands war on all men until they submit to Islam. Islam commands death to any Muslim who converts to another religion. Islam uses force and the threat of force to make non-Muslims convert to Islam.

The last is the subject of Diana West’s column in the September 1 Washington Times. The two Western journalists who were captured in Gaza were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint, and there has been no condemnation of the forced conversion coming from Muslim authorities, showing that Muslims have no problema with forced conversion. Yet there has been no discussion of these two facts—the forced conversions, and the absence of any Muslim condemnation of the forced conversions—in the mainstream media. Why? If Westerners focused their attention on the simple, basic fact that Muslims use and approve the threat of death to convert people to Islam,—an idea that any ten-year-old could understand and grasp the significance of—any further Western openness to Islam would become impossible. Everyone would have to recognize what I have saying since the 1990s, that Islam is totally incompatible with Western civilization and with freedom itself, and that Muslims in significant numbers do not belong in any Western society, period. The survival of the liberal ideology of non-discrimination (and virtually all modern Westerners are liberals) requires that the entire West not know (or rather not focus on for more than a split second before repressing the knowledge) the most basic facts about Islam.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 01, 2006 02:05 PM | Send

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