Debate on pope in England

Jeff writes from England:

You’re probably going to comment yourself on the pope’s apology. For me, it symbolised Western civilisation’s (Judaic-Christianity’s) capitulation to Islam. Am listening to BBC phone-in on the subject and a huge majority of non-Muslim callers (secular, Christian, Hindu etc.) feel that the Pope should have been free to say what he felt. And that Muhammed should be a subject that one can criticise. Some agree with the pope’s statement, others don’t, but a majority of BBC callers feel Muslims have no right to behave violently or aggressively in response to the statements of the pope. There is a strong anti-Islam feeling here but it cannot seem to focus on what needs to be done to deal with the” Islam problem.”

Unfortunately, it will need more 7/7’s for that to happen (I am in no way advocating that scenario).

Listening to another phone in, this time non-BBC. Much more lively and less liberal. All Muslims calling in feel the Pope should apologise and and several Muslim callers feel the Pope should be punished under Islamic law. Many Muslim callers feel that Britain should have Sharia law. All non-Muslims calling are for free speech and the majority actually agree with the pre-apology Pope. The logical conclusion of this huge culture clash would be to stop the Islamic culture from spreading in Britain. But despite this huge culture clash the same scenario will continue, Muslims immigrating here in huge numbers. And of course their high birthrates will also be a factor in spreading Islam in the UK. Non-Muslim people are just too apathetic to stop the rot despite their anti-Islamic views It’s UNBELIEVABLE.

Jeff continues:
So we have a strange scenario in the light of 7/7, the Cartoon Affair and the Pope affair. We have in Britain a non-Muslim majority which generally speaking is repulsed by elements of Islamic culture and views, especially regarding the free speech/intolerance aspects.. Even anti-Western leftists allying with them are repulsed.. Yet little action against Muslims is called for.. Even a simple thing like a moderate quota on Islamic immigration has not been called for by the majority. Only BNP and related groups are doing this.

So why is this? I know we have talked of a suicidal impulse of white indigenous people but I think while there is truth in it that is a simplistic explanation. In Britain it may have to do with an extreme historical apolitical laziness.

The traditional British do not rile easy or quickly. The old stiff upper lip mentality at work. And Hindus and other non-Muslim immigrants, despite their anti-Islamic feelings are still immigrants at heart and will not easily move to install immigration quotas. Then of course there is the “liberalism” that we have acknowledged is hard to go against even for so called conservatives.

It runs incredibly deep as you know. So despite many people being shocked by Islamic behaviour in various scenarios, we continue in a business as usual mode. We have to figure out a way to get that majority stirred to concrete action. External events, horrendous as they are (like 7/7 and 9/11) help for sure but we need to bring other ingredients to the pot in innovative new ways.

Listening to O’Reilly (whom I admire) and I am amazed for the millionth time that very “clever” well paid (conservative) commentators cannot see that it is not “radical fundamentalist Islam” which is the threat but Islam (and the general Muslim culture) itself, even given the differences between various Muslims. Are all the Muslims phoning in asking the Pope to apologise or threatening him “radical fundamentalist Muslims”? Of course not! It’s so effing obvious yet they can’t or refuse to see it. Liberalism bites deep.

Meanwhile Bush continues his drive to democratise these people. And Columbus said GOOD LUCK!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 18, 2006 09:16 AM | Send

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