Beneluxers shocked, shocked, that there is Islamization going on in this establishment

Belgium allowed Muslim non-citizens to vote in order to counter the right-wing Vlaams Belang, and as a result lots of Muslims have been elected in local elections who have turned out to be extremists, and now the Belgian parties have a real mess on their hands, which is detailed by Paul Belien at The Brussels Journal. Similarly, in the Netherlands, the Socialists and the Christian Democrats, each party seeking advantage over the other among the burgeoning number of Muslim voters, have run lots of Muslim candidates, but whenever one of these Muslims turns out to be an extremist or a denier of the Armenian genocide and is dismissed from the party list, there is an outcry “from Amsterdam to Ankara,” as Belien puts it. The Belgian and Dutch parties are “trying to put the genie back in the bottle,” says a Dutch paper. But isn’t that what liberals are always doing? Isn’t it the essence of being a liberal that one is always surprised?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 19, 2006 10:37 PM | Send

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