The two types of Bush Derangement

BE writes:

When I was reading your analysis of Caroline Glick, it occurred to me that there are two kinds of Bush Derangement Syndrome. One of them, found among liberals and leftists, holds that Bush is a low-grade moron, the embodiment of evil, the architect behind 9/11, a tool of the conspiracy, and that every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. These sufferers of BDS become apoplectic when just thinking about the man, much less when talking about him.

However, there is another kind of Bush Derangement Syndrome. This one, found among various kinds of conservatives, makes the sufferer see Bush as a genius, a visionary leader, and pure goodness. They believe he can see into the future and know the results of what appear to be terrible decisions as a means to get what he really wants. These sufferers find no fault with him whatsoever; anything that goes wrong must be someone else’s fault.

Perhaps the second variety of Bush Derangement Syndrome should be called simply Bush Worship.

LA replies:

So it appears that Bush has two large effects on people’s minds. First, as I have often said, he is the cause of witlessness in other men. Second, as BE is pointing out, he drives men out of their wits.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 31, 2006 12:15 PM | Send

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