It ain’t over

For VFR, this election has had but one meaning: immigration. A Democratic victory in the House would mean that despite the great achievement of the House GOP in turning back the juggernaut of the Bush kill-America bill this past year, the same bill will have the votes to pass next year. The polls have been so bad for the Republicans lately that even Republican cheerleaders have fallen silent. Powerline, for example, a site that always looks for good news for Republicans, seems to have given up on the national picture. But today’s New York Times has some heartening news: the national gap between the parties among likely voters has narrowed from eleven to four points. The Times reports:

A Pew Research Center Survey released on Sunday found that the number of likely voters who said they would vote for the Democrats was now 47 percent compared with 43 percent who said they would vote for Republicans. Two weeks ago, Democrats had an edge of 50 to 39. A Washington Post-ABC News poll found a similar tightening.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 06, 2006 10:21 AM | Send

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