What living under Islam does to you

Regarding the long-term psychologial effects of Muslim domination on subject Christian populations, here is a disturbing excerpt from Jovan Cvijic’s La Peninsule Balkanique, written in 1918, which Andrew Bostom, the editor of The Legacy of Jihad, has had translated into English for a pending book project:

There are regions where the Christian population has lived under a reign of fear from birth until death. In certain parts of Macedonia, they don’t tell you how they fought against the Turks or against the Albanians, but rather about the way that they managed to flee from them, or the ruse that they used to escape them. In Macedonia I heard people say: “Even in our dreams we flee from the Turks and the Albanians.” It is true that for about twenty years a certain number of them have regained their composure, but the deep-seated feeling has not changed among the masses of people. Even after the liberation in 1912 one could tell that a large number of Christians had not yet become aware of their new status: fear could still be read on their faces.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 11, 2006 05:24 PM | Send

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