Australians stick it to the Muslims by celebrating their national culture—beach life

Australians are again showing more spirit in the face of Muslim encroachments than any other Western people I can think of. In observation of the Cronulla riots that took place a year ago, a “bikini march” has been organized for this weekend. According to the Sidney Morning Herald, which is taking a rather censorious tone about the whole affair (Michelle Malkin is far more favorable), “The organiser, Melbourne grandmother Christine Hawkins, has asked women nationally to dress in bikinis and colourful beachwear and rally outside large mosques to show their disgust at comments by leading Muslim cleric, Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly, who likened women to ‘uncovered meat.’”

The imam’s phrase is objectionable, as it expresses not just disapproval for women’s over-exposing themselves, but disgust and contempt for women. However, in defense of the women participating in this demonstration, if they are “uncovered meat,” they’re our uncovered meat.

Here is VFR’s coverage and commentary on the Cronulla events from December 2005:

5,000 whites rioted in Sydney

White Aussies fight back

Mad as hell and not taking it any more

Race war in Australia

Muslims rampaging against whites in Australia

Before the Cronulla riot, years of dhimmitude

Mark Richardson on the riots in Australia

Hopeful about Australia, and the West

Update from Australia

Why liberals see normal people as Nazis

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 08, 2006 03:23 PM | Send

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