America, still guilty

How stupid can Americans—particularly liberal Christian Americans—be? Plenty stupid. Alan Wall at vdare highlights the stupidity of Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee, who has been parading the notion that Hispanic immigration offers America a “Second Chance” to make up for its past bad treatment of blacks.

Of course, the idea that the need to compensate for historic discrimination against blacks should govern our relations with other nonwhite groups is not new. As I wrote in The Path to National Suicide, the 1965 Immigration Reform Act was a “civil rights bill applied to the world at large.” David Frum in a letter to me in the mid 1990s echoed the attitude of the 1965 reformers, saying that America’s past history of racial discrimination required us to keep our borders open to non-Westerners. And of course guilt-driven racial preferences were in a total perversion of morality extended from blacks to all nonwhites, including the tens of millions of nonwhite immigrants who have absolutely no history of being oppressed by white America. It is incredible that after decades in which conservatives have seen the damage done to our society by white racial guilt, a supposedly conservative politician wants to make white racial guilt the explicit organizing principle in our treatment of Hispanics.

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Alan Levine writes:

The inspired thinking of Governor Huckabee nagged me for some days; it reminded me of something I had heard before, but I could not place it. Just this afternoon, as I was grading my student’s final exam, I remembered what it was. Quite a few years ago, Paul Gottfried met some Protestant clergyman, Methodist I believe, who explained to him that it was morally necessary for America to welcome Hispanic, because of our country’s crime in not rescuing European Jews from the Nazis. If I remember rightly, Paul was so disgusted he simply stalked off.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 15, 2006 09:31 AM | Send

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