What Bush should have said

I was discussing the issue of the Cheney test-tube offspring with a friend, who suggested that Bush, when asked about Mary’s baby, could simply have replied: “It’s a private matter,” and said nothing more. I suggested a somewhat stronger statement the president could have made, in which he made clear his disapproval of homosexual marriage and its appurtenances and his support for traditional morality, while still saying that every baby must be welcomed into the world and cared for. But then my friend persuaded me that that wouldn’t work, and I agreed that the president’s best reply would simply be: “It’s a private matter.”

Later I was out for a walk in the early evening, and this answer came to me. Bush is asked by reporters what he thinks about Mary’s baby, and he says:

“Two grandchildren have been born to the Cheneys since I’ve been president. You never asked me how I felt about them. So why are you asking me about this baby? Obviously it’s not because you’re interested in the baby as a baby, but because you want to elicit from me some kind of statement about social issues. A family matter should not be used as a springboard for political debate. The birth of the Cheneys’ previous grandchildren was a private matter, and the arrival of this latest grandchild is also a private matter, and I’ll leave it at that.”

- end of initial entry -

Ben writes:

The West reminds me of the movie the Omen in which as Damien nears a Church, he begins to reel in pain, screaming and hollering. When a moral truth is stated or acknowledged, the West reels in pain, anger, and offense. We have seen this progress heavily since the 1990’s. But now the advanced nihilists don’t just wait for somebody to sway off the path of modern liberalism accidentally, they also try to instigate somebody to make a moral statement so that they can tear them down, intimidate them, force them to apologize, or destroy them. They don’t just want to deny truth any longer, they also want to destroy any institution or person who believes in it. Because of this, very few left have the courage or the traditional foundation to stand up against the last stages of nihilism because it will mean standing up to the intimidation, pure viciousness, and anger of the nihilists who are moving fast to destruction. This causes men who call themselves “conservatives” to become duplicitous in order to avoid the anger and hatred of the people who love death. This is also done under the guise of unity because the “conservatives” still like to imagine in their minds that America has never been better and Americans still share a common vision of being a nation and a people. The nihilists want to take us with them on their course with death, they are no longer just happy with being accepted or being left alone, they want to be made more moral than the former institutions that were torn down.

Meanwhile, the Evangelicals (AFA) are too busy waging boycotts against Ford Motor Company and Wal-Mart while ignoring their President and VP praising a lesbian test tube pregnancy. By the AFA and others like them having nothing but silence about this issue means they are only interested in advancing family causes if they don’t go against the Republican party or their “commander in chief.” In other words, they are useless and a part of the problem.

James R. writes:

If Mary Cheney’s sperm donor is a Mexican can his extended family in Mexico claim legal immigrant status in the U.S. in order to “reunite” the “family” after the baby’s birth? And wouldn’t Jorge really be on Cloud Nine if this was the case?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 19, 2006 08:56 PM | Send

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