Medved dismisses fears about North American Super Corridor
Michael Medved has unleashed a string of fact-free, ad hominem attacks on those, unnamed by Medved, who have been warning about the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and the planned SuperCorridor connecting Mexico and Canada, which VFR has dubbed the Nation Crusher. Jerome Corsi, the leading critic of the project, responds to Medved at Human Events. With the possible exception of Ralph Peters’s attack on the Islam critics as Nazi-style exterminatist bigots, this article has the highest proportion of contentless vitriol to facts and arguments that I’ve ever seen in a mainstream opinion article. Does Medved think this kind of thing will persuade anyone? Read Medved’s unceasing outpouring of invective, then read Corsi’s response, and ask yourself who is speaking responsibly here, and who is the nutcase. Gintas writes:
In fact, Medved’s screed looks a lot like the typical raving blog commenter just about anywhere, only longer, while his commenters start to look like a formal British debate society by comparison.LA replies:
Yes. Have any of the supposed ranting conspiracy mongers whom Medved is attacking ever wrtten anything a fraction as unhinged as Medved has done here?Gary M. writes:
Medved likes to present himself as a reasonable, intelligent guy, but at least on immigration he seldom, if ever takes calls on his radio show from people who might actually expose the weaknesses in his point of view. He will put on calls from listeners that are inarticulate, to say the least, and let the caller go on and on, flailing and floundering without an apparent point being made, until he interrupts to triumphantly bellow “you can’t deport 12 million people” as if the choice was either completely open borders or mass roundups of illegals. This of course is a typical straw man argument not just from Medved, but from the Maldef, La Raza, and ACLU types as well. Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 03, 2007 03:53 PM | Send Email entry |