Why feminists don’t oppose Islam’s treatment of women

David Horowitz in his blog quotes a discussion at VFR.

The Destructive Left

Here is an excellent response by Lawrence Auster to a query about the left’s hypocrisy:

Maureen writes:

… I am mystified by American feminists’ failure to attack the exploitative abomination of Islam’s polygamy. I am mystified by American blacks embracing a religion whose basic tenets enshrine inequality.

LA replies:

… The common denominator of all the factions of the left, the true motive underlying their respective particular supposed grievances and demands, is alienation against the American nation and its majority culture and a desire to bring them down. Their particular grievances are just the way they carry out that larger campaign. Muslims also threaten that American nation and culture. So from the Left’s point of view, Muslims are fellow leftist allies.

It should be clear by now that the left is wholly destructive. Their only agenda is to find ways to bring America down.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 10, 2007 02:24 PM | Send

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