A Rich Lowry classic

From the world headquarters of “conservatism”:

That’s the (strong and appropriate) word Bush will use to characterize the state of Iraq. Too bad he wasn’t so frank months ago, but better late than never.

This is the guy who himself dutifully followed the conventional “conservative” wisdom on Iraq for years, saying the policy was succeeding, until, over the course of 2006, he sort of, kind of discovered that, oops, we have a problem. And now he has the chutzpah to criticize Bush for his tardy half-recognition of the facts! Check out these VFR comments on Lowry from the past year:

February 2006:

Lowry joins Noonan (a year late) and VFR (three years late)

February 2006:

Prison walls a’crumblin’ down, there is no end in sight

April 2006:

Another piece in the Iraq puzzle

And here, on August 31, 2006, just four months ago, Lowry said he was impressed by President Bush’s speech on Iraq that week, calling it one of his most effective:

The liars and the dupes

So if Bush’s statements on Iraq were A-Ok with Lowry four months ago, what does Lowry mean today by: “Too bad Bush wasn’t so frank months ago”? Maybe he means, uh, the last two months? Meanwhile, by reducing the tardiness to the last two or four or ten months, Lowry has given both Bush and himself a pass for several years of non-recognition of reality.

I guess this is a case of the pot calling the kettle—and itself—white.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 10, 2007 07:45 PM | Send

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