The truth about inequality in human intelligence

A spot of truth and common sense from Charles Murray writing at The Wall Street Journal. Intelligence is real. People with below average IQ are not going to be physicists. People in the lowest one third of the IQ bell curve are not even going to attain the National Assessment of Educational Progress “basic achievement” score in reading. This is not due to bad schools. It is due to differentials in human intelligence that we have no ability to change.

The Wall Street Journal publishes this truthful article puncturing our official egalitarian lies, even as it fanatically champions the mass immigration of Mexican Mestizos who have an average IQ of 90. Have the Journal’s editors thought about the consequences for our society of vastly increasing the low-IQ population? Evidently not.

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James N. writes:

Re your last point: “Have the Journal’s editors thought about the consequences for our society of vastly increasing the low-IQ population? Evidently not. “

Don’t be so sure.

The constituencies that favor creating a permanent proletariat while eliminating the yeomanry are large and powerful, and are not found only on the Left.

In fact, I suspect that some of them may be found on the WSJ editorial board.

LA writes:

Unfortunately, it’s not just the Wall Street Journal which contradicts itself by promoting the unchangeable reality of IQ differences while also promoting the mass immigration of low IQ people. Remember what Charles Murray said just a couple of months ago, quoted at VFR:

I am not impressed by worries about losing America’s Anglo-European identity. Some of the most American people I know are immigrants from other parts of the world. And I’d a hell of a lot rather live in a Little Vietnam or a Little Guatemala neighborhood, even if I couldn’t read the store signs, than in many white-bread communities I can think of.

To which VFR reader Shrewsbury had commented:

Charles Murray writes, “And I’d a hell of a lot rather live in a Little Vietnam or a Little Guatemala neighborhood, even if I couldn’t read the store signs, than in many white-bread communities I can think of.”

What a crock. He wouldn’t last two days in a Guatemalan neighborhood before he fled to the very most bleached and enriched Wonder Bread community he could find. Let him live in Shrewsbury’s half-Mex neighborhood here in God-forsake SoCal and try to work on his ponderous tomes with the thumping of ranchero music always in the background. See how he likes the continual combat against shopping carts, trash, rats, and graffiti, to say nothing of people being casually murdered within half a block of his front door (in Shrewsbury’s case, two since he’s lived here).

Can we trade domiciles? Can I go live in his “hideously white” world, while he comes here to get down and boogie with los muchachos?

What a crock. And yet there are legions of white folks who really believe that they think this way. It’s difficult to simulate the abstract fantasy Flatland mental universe they must inhabit, but it sure doesn’t have much to with any reality I can perceive….

And these are the people who tell us how to live.

LA continues:

There’s something else worth mentioning here, which a friend pointed out. It used to be the liberal elites who were famous for urging policies that ruined society for ordinary people, even as the liberal elites carefully isolated themselves from the very social ruin they had caused. Now it’s the “conservatives” who are doing that.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 17, 2007 11:07 AM | Send

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