Taylor assaulted by mob at Nova Scotia hotel

Jared Taylor, giving a talk this week at a hotel in Halifax, Nova Scotia at an event that was, foolishly, open to the public, was shouted down by violent protesters who forced him from the room. No police came to intervene.

Such leftwing thuggery threatens us all and must not be tolerated. But I cannot forget that Taylor has himself stepped outside civilized limits and has thus made it hard for one to feel sympathy or solidarity with him. A year ago between a third and a half of the attendees at Taylor’s bi-annual American Renaissance conference, many of them readers of the Nazi website Stormfront, erupted in “loud and prolonged applause” when a speaker said that the state of Israel would not survive another few decades. Taylor never had a word of criticism about this collective expression of barbarism that had occurred before his own eyes at his own conference. Instead, he criticized the people who wrote a letter to him protesting it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 19, 2007 04:31 PM | Send

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