The Week Britain Died

Paul Weston writes from England:

I know you have mentioned this already, but here is my take on a week that has left me bemused, depressed, and ashamed of my country. Is the Britain we have become what our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought and died for?

The Week Britain Died

When future historians look back at what was Great Britain, they would do well to note the events of January 15-22, 2007.

In an extraordinary week, the people of Britain were given several clear indications of where there country was going, yet these indications were resolutely ignored by the media, the people, and the government.

The TV Company, Channel Four, was at the forefront of the news, but for all the wrong reasons. In one programme they bought the nation’s attention to the sheer bigotry, intolerance, and racialism of one section of our community, which was subsequently endlessly debated by the media and deemed worthy of such importance that even Gordon Brown and Tony Blair were sucked into the national breast beating.

This programme was “Celebrity Big Brother” which for those mercifully unaware is a reality TV show charting the ignorance, pathology, and hysteria of social degenerates locked together in a house for the viewing delectation of British people of all social backgrounds. Last week’s programmes focused on the unpleasantness with which an English girl and her friends treated an educated Indian actress, mimicking her accent and calling her “that Indian,” so that a continental political rift ensued between Britain and India, smoothed over by the intervention of the aforementioned Blair and Brown. By the end of the week this unedifying spectacle attracted over nine million viewers.

In another Channel Four programme, “Undercover Mosques” an intrepid journalist with a hidden camera put his life on the line and bought us news from various mosques around the country. This news, essentially, was that homosexuals should be killed, pedophilia condoned, women as second-class citizens beaten—as should girls who do not wear the hijab, and lastly, Islam must take over the UK and run it under sharia law whilst waging jihad against the infidels.

To rub salt into the wound, it transpired that some mosques calling for the above have been singled out and praised by Tony Blair and the British police as role models for their inter-faith and multicultural activities. Perhaps this is why our politicised police, so keen to prosecute the BNP’s Nick Griffin for accusing Islam of being wicked, have done NOTHING in the face of Islamic calls for murder and conquest.

The viewing figures for this highly important programme were between 1 and 1.5 million people. Given the pre-release advertising and the importance that UK Muslims would put on such a programme it is probable that the vast majority of viewers were not of the race and faith singled out for extinction, but the Muslims themselves. Indigenous Brits may have numbered in the low thousands.

For the first time in this country the mainstream population was given information previously only available to the tiny minority of people with sufficient interest and intelligence to seek it out via “right-wing” websites or books conspicuous by their absence in Waterstones. I have always thought that if the general population knew what I knew, then the political scene would change. I was sadly mistaken, and not just about the population at large. What should have triggered outrage was ignored by all, including the so-called highbrow newspapers. The Guardian refused even to mention it, whilst the rest of the British media were interested in one thing and one thing only, Celebrity Big Brother.

“Undercover Mosques” is perhaps the most important programme to have been made in the UK since the invention of the television. It is not the time to detail the transcript here, but it was chilling, terrifying stuff. That the British, in their entirety, ignored it in favour of the appalling and degrading Celebrity Big Brother, possibly the worst programme ever made, is terrifying. Could the pathologically suicidal British fall any lower? Well, yes, they could.

There were two other stories in the papers this week, both related to the European Union. The first was that the British Parliament would nod through a watered down version of the EU constitution without, as previously stated, a referendum. The second was that Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, was intending to re-introduce said constitution despite the previous no vote from the Dutch and French. It would appear obvious that the EU Socialist Super State will be inflicted upon us undemocratically. Should we care about this or is Celebrity Big Brother still uppermost on the warped, adolescent minds at the BBC? Both stories, of course, went unmentioned by the TV media.

Angela Merkel was an East-German Communist. Whilst at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig she was Secretary for Agitation and Propaganda in the Community youth wing. She will find this in keeping with the unelected EU Commissioners where ex Communists make up seven of their twenty seven members, including its current President, José Manuel Durão Barroso, once one of the leaders of the underground Maoist MRPP (Reorganising Movement of the Proletariat Party).

Vladimr Bukovsky is on record as stating that Communism never died and is now being inflicted incrementally on the West via the European Union. Do the British know anything of Bukovsky, or indeed of Communism? No, they do not, the BBC et al refuse to talk to him, after all, as an imprisoned and tortured dissident what does he REALLY know about Communism in comparison to the utopian, idealistic British liberal elites who run our government, media, civil service, police and educational institutions.

Do the British in fact know anything, absolutely anything of any significance at all anymore or is the limit of their thought process set at the bar of Celebrity Big Brother? We also learned this week that a pass mark of 18% is all that is necessary to gain a C grade exam pass. 50% of our schoolchildren leave school without attaining this in English and Maths, yet 100% of them know everything about TV “celebrities” who can barely speak their native language.

And so we ignore the ideology of one movement which states it wishes to eradicate us and another which killed close to 100 million people, whilst we embrace the ideology of celebrity, ignorance and pathology.

From my viewpoint, and I say this with great sadness, we deserve all that we get, which barring a revolution will be one of the following.

An Islamic State.

A Totalitarian Socialist State within the European Union.

A Failed State—after the economic collapse of the EU—caused by bureaucracy, an illiterate and inumerate workforce and unopposable competition from the East.

Revolution—in the event that the British revolt before these scenarios unfold there will be carnage and civil war, possibly even European war. This is the least probable. We sit slack jawed and glassy eyed on our draylon sofas, worshipping at the altar of television, dressed in polypropylene casual wear, remote in one hand, chips in the other. We have all the soma we need to insulate ourselves from reality.

So, this week we have been shown our choices and we have chosen the path that 50 years of progressive education, Communist subversion, mass immigration and media brainwashing has pre-chosen for us. Much as we may wish to continue shopping on credit cards, watching reality TV shows and imbibing drugs and alcohol, I am afraid it is no longer up to us.

This was the week that Britain died from infantilism, liberalism, ignorance and decadence, manifesting themselves in our utter indifference to our survival. We deserve to go, just as future Arnold Toynbees will relate.

Mr. Weston is currently writing a book about the consequences for the West of 50 years of liberalism.

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Scott H. writes:

Mr. Weston could have been writing about the U.S. That is a well written piece. His piece, along with the Boer genocide story, leads me to believe that Westerners, and whites in particular, eat thier own, and it will not end well for us. Damn depressing….

Thanks for all your work.

An Indian living in the West writes:

That e-mail from Paul Weston was very good. It touches upon the sheer decadence of the British (and indeed their infantile stupidity). For example, watch this clip from “Big Brother.” Forget about “racism.” Just look at the language that is used. This is routine stuff. It’s almost as if Britain’s trash has become the gold standard in the use of language. Also, women love this show—I would venture to say that they form 70 percent of the audience, if not more. Shows of this type are perfect for women—it co-operates with their infantile interest in the trivial and the private.

LA replies:

When the society’s mores falls apart as ours as done, then the free manifestation of women and of the female sensibility independent of men and marriage and traditional ways becomes a serious part of the overall disorder. Oprah epitomizes this, though there are many much worse than her. At the same time, I think you’re being too hard on women. The problem is not women; the problem is the specifically destructive forms that the feminine takes when the ethos of a society falls apart, hastening the society’s further destruction. The greater blame is men’s, for abandoning their own role as the representatives of external authority. Of course, in order to have hewed to that role, they would have had to stand up and resist all the trends of our age, which is very difficult. But if they had even attempted to do so, it would have made a world of difference. Instead, they folded. And women with their destructive triviality, like minorities and Muslims with their respective agendas, leap into the breach left by the abandonment of authority.

Indian in West replies:

But once you have a sexual equality and equality of political rights between men and women, male authority lives on borrowed time. The only way to maintain male authority is by maintaining some difference in the political rights of men and women.

LA replies:

I think this is probably correct.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 23, 2007 06:08 PM | Send

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