What can we do?

Scott H. writes:

Another great piece on your website from H. Sutherland and yourself. I’ve asked myself what can I do about the giving away of the U.S. to the “other”? With all the powers arrayed against us traditional Americans, what, in your view, is our best course of action? I’m not very articulate, I get very angry when discussing this subject, as I see the take over up close and personal every day in North San Diego (CA) county.

Here’s an article from the Boer Genocide post African Crisis. Most of suggestions are appropriate to our own situation in the United States. I have taken steps to be more self-reliant, I have a Main Battle Rifle and I keep well versed in its use, I’ve talked to my sons about our race problem (they are with me in this!), I practice caution in my hiring practices, I fax and write letters to my Representatives in Congress, talk to my friends, but I don’t think I’m making a difference. What else can I do? I really just want to fight this out and get it done.

You’re doing a lot. I don’t know that there’s more that you can do as an individual than you’re already doing. We need a political/cultural organization to represent us. Without a political expression of ourselves as a group, we are powerless individuals.

Gintas J. writes:

As far as a political victory goes, it’s looking really really bad. Otherwise, you have children (the more the better) and cultivate in them a pre-Enlightenment view of the world (ie, homeschool them and teach them _your_ ways).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 25, 2007 06:53 PM | Send

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