The conservative message: Muslims want to kill us. We must keep letting them in.

I came upon this at Powerline:

A Reminder of the fact that in the Islamic fanatics, we confront evil in its purest form, from the Minneapolis Star Tribune. These are the people that those who work for our defeat in Iraq are trying to empower.

SCOTT adds: The murder of American soldiers captured and murdered in Karbala also serves as a similar reminder of what our enemies have in mind for us. The New York Post editorial on the murders is aptly titled “Atrocity in Karbala.”

I wrote to the Powerline guys:

If, as Scott says, these people want to kill us, not just our soldiers in Iraq, but us in this country, why do you remain silent about our immigration policy that continues to let Muslims into this country? Don’t you think that’s at least a legitimate question? Don’t you ever wonder about it yourself?

Of course, the Powerline guys are far too refined and high-toned to reply to the likes of me. And it’s not just me personally that they avoid. They never raise these issues on their own. They are intelligent men, who never let their minds venture for a single second beyond the narrow bounds of Bushism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 27, 2007 12:50 PM | Send

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