Carter equates Christian “subservience” of women with Islam’s treatment of women

Don Feder nails the egomaniacal, America-hating, worst former president in American history:

In a November 15, 2006 interview with CNBC’s Tim Russert, Carter compared conservative Christians to al-Qaeda and the Saudis.

All are “fundamentalist,” which is to say “authoritarian males who consider themselves to be superior to others,” who believe “they are right and that anyone who contradicts them is ignorant and possibly evil” (so unlike the left, whose six-year refrain has been—Bush is evil; Bush is stupid), “who are often angry and sometimes resort to verbal and even physical abuse against those who interfere with the implementation of their agenda” (so unlike the campus left, whose modus operandi is shouting down and assaulting conservative speakers) and who “have an overwhelming commitment to subjugate women.”

The latter deserves elaboration. In his book, “Our Endangered Values” (the one before his current masterpiece, comparing Zionists to Nazis), Carter repeats his favorite calumny of the Southern Baptists, that they “keep women in their place.”

And this, the Sage at Plains informs us, tacitly supports the subjugation of women in the Muslim world: “Women are greatly abused in many countries in the world, and the alleviation of their plight is made less likely by the mandated subservience of women by Christian fundamentalists.”

In other words, the Baptist belief in gender differences and opposition to abortion is comparable to female genital mutilation and chadors in Prophet-land.

And not just Southern Baptists get the treatment in Carter’s little gem of a book. Of the late Pope John Paul II, Carter squeaks, “I disagreed with him on the perpetuation of the subservience of woman.”

There you have it—no women priests is morally equivalent to societies where women are stoned to death on suspicion of having sex outside marriage.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 28, 2007 08:18 PM | Send

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