The Gathering Suicide of the West—toward an overview

In a further attempt to resist the one-dimensional structure of the blog, in which articles no matter how noteworthy almost instantly fade into anonymity or disappear from view, here are pieces from the last week or so that I especially recommend, arranged by theme:

The accellerating attack on Britain and the West from within

The mystery explained: why Britain doesn’t react.
The week Britain died
Britain’s suicide continues
Britain: “We want to die—faster, please!”
Liberalism speaks; and Distraught British conservatives prove my point (read as one article)
“City on Fire–Burning the roots of western culture”
Bush’s last chance for glory: destroy America

Inadequate or phony opposition to Islam

D’Souza calls for silencing of Islam critics
McKinstry against British national surrender (sort of)
Fukuyama’s fake effort to bring back Western national identity and find a cure for jihadism
The Über Suspect
The sexually libertarian patriot versus the socially conservative appeaser—what a choice!

The racial dilemma, the American dilemma

Savage murder campaign against white South African farmers
A warning for America from South Africa
Why minority demands can NEVER be appeased
Defending the idea of a common American nation

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 30, 2007 07:40 PM | Send

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