Our hero

This comes from the Washington Times:

WILLIAMSBURG—President Bush and House Democrats got off to a good start in finding common ground yesterday at the Democrats’ annual retreat—with Mr. Bush saying they even share a bond in having been shot in the back by Republicans on immigration.
“You are not the only one with arrows in your back,” the president said during a closed-door question-and-answer session with the House Democratic Caucus, according to two individuals who were in the room.

What a putz. This treasonous agent of Mexican revanchism tries to push through the most insane and damaging bill in American history, lying through his teeth about it the whole way, and the people oppose it and the House Republicans heroically stand like a stone wall against it and stop it. And this traitor accuses them of shooting him in the back! But how could he recognize honor in an opponent, since he has none himself?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 07, 2007 12:50 PM | Send

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