Peyser on Nowak

Worth reading is Andrea Peyser’s column today on the mad astronaut Lisa Nowak. Peyser is pretty tough on her own sex:

No matter how educated and accomplished a woman is, down below, there can live a murderous teen, equipped with a wicked jealous streak and a hair-trigger temper.

I like that “down below.” Women, the givers and vessels of life, are simply closer to the chthonic, primal forces of existence than men are. A society that pretends that there are no significant differences (other than primary sexual characteristics) between men and women, and claims that the two sexes are exactly equally suited for the same kinds of jobs and pursuits and should be fully integrated in all areas of life, is a society that has dangerously lost touch with reality.

It is amazing to contemplate. Seven months ago Nowak was on a space mission, performing delicate, high-tech tasks. Last week, dressed in a bad disguise and wearing adult diapers so that she would not have to stop to relieve herself, she drove 950 miles across five states to kidnap and maybe kill a young woman out of enraged jealousy. Now, if she was that crazy last week, could she have been all that sane last summer? What was this loon doing in a space ship? What happened to the careful psychological screening of astronauts for which NASA used to be famous? The incident is emblematic of our unbuttoned culture that in the name of equality and freedom has thrown aside all standards.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 08, 2007 08:58 PM | Send

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