Out of it and proud of it

Could someone tell me who Anna Nicole Smith is and why I should care about her?

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Bob H. writes:

God, I wish I had said it first!

You probably don’t remember 25 years ago when “Rula Lenska” appeared on TV, saying “People hate me because I am famous,” and her fame consisted solely of appearing in TV ads for lipstick!

LA replies:

I do vaguely remember that.

David B. writes:

Anna Nicole Smith is a former stripper who posed for Playboy, married an 89-year old Texas multi-millionaire, and inherited his money. She also has babies out of wedlock without knowing who the biological father is. Neither does anyone else.

The “legal affairs” shows of Catherine Crier, Nancy Grace, and Greta Van Susteren devote entire programs to her for days, while ignoring the Knoxville atrocity and the Long Beach crime. My view is that the MSM devotes time to characters like Anna Nicole Smith in order to deflect attention from serious problems.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 09, 2007 05:14 PM | Send

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