The media’s cover-up of the jihad razzia campaign in America

Clark Coleman forwards an e-mail from Gary Bauer about the Salt Lake City mall massacre which he feels shows perhaps a harder line on Islam. To me it seems awfully mild. But you can’t tell. Today’s conservative pundits don’t signal a change in their views by saying, “I used to think X, for Y reason, but then Z made me realize I was wrong, and now I think A.” Instead, they just quietly shift their position. It’s instinctive rather than rational.

Sudden Jihad Syndrome?

Were five people killed in Salt Lake City this week because of Islamofascism? Don’t count on Big Media to answer that question. Here is what we know as of now.

According to witnesses, an 18-year-old gunman calmly walked into a Utah shopping mall and started randomly killing customers. Thankfully, an off- duty police officer was able to slow him down, and the assailant was eventually killed in a shoot-out with Salt Lake City police.

Early press reports only gave his age, but no name. ABC reported the story last night, but repeatedly said little was known about the shooter. Today, several Utah papers are reporting that the killer’s name was Sulejmen Talovic, and he was a Bosnian Muslim refugee.

Don’t expect to hear much more. Big Media has no interest in pursuing these sorts of cases. When a Muslim man intentionally mows people down in San Francisco with his SUV, the headline is: “SUV Driver Kills Pedestrians.”

When a Muslim assailant bursts into a Jewish community center in Seattle and brutally murdered a Jewish woman and wounded five more, he is described as “sick,” and the story vanishes.

When an Iranian college student tried to turn a rented SUV into a weapon of mass destruction, the media reported, “9 Injured by SUV at UNC-Chapel Hill.”

We deserve to know whether Sulejmen Talovic was another example of “Sudden Jihad Syndrome,” but don’t hold your breath waiting for the facts.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 15, 2007 01:56 PM | Send

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