From white Britain to anti-white Britain in one easy step

Leo McKinstry on Britain’s despised white working class:
Anti-racism has become the central theme of today’s political culture, yet the obsessive concern for racial sensitivities rarely seems to be applied to the white working class. This is the one ethnic group that it is perfectly acceptable to insult and ignore….

The growing ostracism of the white working class is highlighted in a report out today by the Tory party’s Social Justice Policy Group, chaired by the former leader Iain Duncan Smith. In his report, Duncan Smith warns that white pupils from poor backgrounds are performing worse at schools than any other ethnic group. He fears that there is a danger of creating “an uneducated and unemployable underclass of forgotten children.”…

In his book The Likes of Us: A History of the White Working Class, the author Michael Collins recalled coming across a municipal leaflet in a library in south London, listing every group that had settled in the borough, including the Germans, Dutch, Afro-Caribbeans, Somalians and Ethiopians. As he read this, Collins sensed an elderly white man looking over his shoulder. “They don’t mention us English,” said the old man, “You wouldn’t think we existed, would you?”

Excuse me, but how could anyone imagine for a single moment that an ideology of welcoming a mass influx of previously alien, non-Western, and non-white peoples into a previously all-white nation and celebrating their cultures would somehow result in Britain’s traditional nationhood and peoplehood being treated with respect? That would be like having a Bolshevik revolution and then being surprised that the property owners have been dispossessed and killed. McKinstry (also discussed by me here) is one of the better people writing in the British press today; and not long ago, the things he’s saying here could not even be said in a mainstream paper. So let’s acknowledge that there has been some progress in grasping the horror that has come upon Britain. But if McKinstry and other conservatives are to be truly serious about fighting this threat, they must go to a deeper conceptual level in their understanding of liberalism. Namely, they must stop acting as though the double standard against whites and traditional Britain were a mere unfortunate excess of anti-racism and multiculturalism, and recognize that anti-racism and multiculturalism are inherently anti-white and anti-Britain. If whites want to be cease being victimized, they must throw aside the belief in a diverse Britain and re-assert the historical fact and ideal of a mono-cultural Britain with themselves as its dominant majority. If whites continue to adhere to anti-racism and non-discrimination as their ruling values, they will keep being dragged down into non-existence. There is no middle ground.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 15, 2007 05:28 PM | Send

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