A new liberal crime

We all know of the laws against “incitement to racial hatred,” that now exist on the books of, it seems, every Western country except for the United States. But when the Vlaams Blok of Belgium, the predecessor of the Vlaams Belang party, was effectively banned by a court decree in 2004, it was on the basis of “repeated incitement to discrimination.” Wow! Not only is discrimination illegal in Belgium, but even to advocate discrimination is illegal. By this logic, if you were to say, “I think we should change the laws so as to reduce the number of Muslim immigrants entering Belgium,” that would be a crime that would get you banned from participating in politics.

I brought up Vlaams Belang because its leader Filip DeWinter is going to speaking tomorrow in Arlington, Virginia.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 22, 2007 01:56 PM | Send

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