Immigration and Romney

Russell Wardlow at his Mean Mr Mustard blog has some interesting comments on the immigration issue. He says we have no good options this year, and, quoting my remark about Mitt Romney’s being an opportunist you can count on, he concludes that the best we can hope for is a president who hears our concerns and does not act against us. A commenter at the site says:

Mitt was my governor. He is opportunist to the core…. He has flipped and flopped on many issues.

He does try to observe a decent interval between changes of mind.

See? He’s an opportunist you can count on. He stays faithful to one position at a time. He’s a serial monogamist in the realm of politics.

(Many more comments have been added to the previous discussion about Romney.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 03, 2007 09:35 AM | Send

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