Steyn “gores” eco-messiah

When Mark Steyn claims to be talking about serious things like how to save civilization, he’s a fraud and a menace. When he does what he does well, which is sending up the left, he can be funny and not harmful. He is quite funny today in a column about Al Gore the environmental messiah, who has proclaimed that climate change is “the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced.”

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Ken Hechtman writes:

Don’t get me wrong, Mark Steyn is funny and I’m not about to start defending Al Gore. But Steyn’s description below of how carbon-offsets work is so far wrong I’m inclined to call it fraud.

Carbon offsets don’t work by keeping third-world living standards low and they have nothing to do with paying off terrorist masterminds in Pakistan. The oil sheikhs do that, as Steyn very well knows.

Carbon offset vendors sponsor two kinds of projects: carbon sequestration or in simple English, “planting trees,” and carbon replacement (wind and solar power generation as well as replacing old and inefficient appliances). You could believe global warming was an out-and-out fraud and these would still be worthwhile things to do for other reasons.

Here’s some typical projects:

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 04, 2007 04:16 PM | Send

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