
The New York Post editors had a full page interview with Newt Gingrich in today’s paper that seemed to be about Gingrich’s view of the world, the war and so on. Since he’s been touted as a possible presidential candidate, and as a hard-liner on the War on, uh, Whatever, I read it out of curiosity to see what Gingrich had to say. It was an exercise in gaseous emptiness. He said repeatedly that we need a new strategy for the war. But he described no strategy; indeed, most of his emphasis was on the need for more efficient bureaucracy and decision-making within the government. Also, he repeatedly praised Giuliani. Then I realized. Gingrich is not running for president. The real purpose of this interview was to set up Gingrich as Giuliani’s vice presidential running mate. This is ironic, since just yesterday a reader strongly urged that Giuliani is the only one who can lead America in the war, and that Gingrich ought to be his VP. To which I couldn’t resist replying that the two men have had a total of six wives between them. It might also be added that of their four respective ex-wives at least three (Gingrich’s first and second, Giuliani’s second) were cruelly and unceremoniously dumped. It would truly be the ultimate anti-family values ticket. But how great this would be in making Americans in general and conservatives in particular realize that the War on, uh, Whatever is not the most important thing, it’s the only thing, thus leading them to leave their antiquated notions behind and embrace a true scale of values.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 04, 2007 08:31 PM | Send

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