D’Souza’s brilliant career, cont.

Robert Spencer and Serge Trifkovic are getting the complete Dinesh D’Souza treatment. D’Souza writes: “Having debated Robert Spencer at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference in Washington D.C. a few days ago, and Serge Trifkovic on a radio show just yesterday, I have gotten a full and repulsive dose of the anti-Muslim hatred masquerading as scholarship that these guys represent.” And that’s just the first sentence of the article. As Spencer in his reply to D’Souza at Jihad Watch sums it up, “Dinesh D’Souza just goes from bad to worse.”

This is more accurate that Spencer realizes. D’Souza was an unconscionable liar 11 years ago, when his distortions about a conference on race at which I spoke were so florid that as a result of three letters (from myself, Jared Taylor, and Sam Francis, and without the participation of any lawyer), the Free Press destroyed the entire first print run of D’Souza’s The End of Racism and forced D’Souza to re-write an entire chapter, and D’Souza is an even bigger liar today—and in support of a much worse cause. Indeed you can almost smell the sulphur coming off him. However, while Spencer does an able job of defending himself from D’Souza’s amazing lies and smears, which he calls on D’Souza to retract, I must say that it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. After all, Spencer absurdly characterized as a “calumny” a mild characterization by me of his views, and he refused to retract the charge when I called on him to do so, and he has repeatedly called me a liar and a deliberate deceiver, doing everything he could to trash me in other people’s eyes.

On another point, D’Souza’s very extremism on behalf of Islam has afforded me the unprecedented experience of seeing mainstream conservatives across the board attacking a mainstream conservative for his unsufficiently critical or outright apologetic statements about Islam. For once I don’t have to be the only person doing it. I can just sit back and watch others do it. Even Daniel Pipes, whom I alone have criticized for his dreamy praise of Islam, is appalled by D’Souza’s more uninhibited embrace of that religion. Using the kind of language rarely heard from such a famously soft-spoken fellow, Pipes entitles his blog entry: “Dinesh D’Souza Walks on the Dark Side.”

- end of initial entry -

Alec H. writes:

What especially amazes is D’Souza’s Indian background. Along with the Armenians, Indians are a people who “know something,” historically, about the ROP, and aren’t hamstrung by White Guilt. You think he would have learned something at the family fireside. THAT would be a real book.

Apparently, he has assimilated too well to the hyper-tolerance of the Western elite. You’re right, though, this is beyond ignorance—he’s helping to pull the Trojan Horse into the city.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 07, 2007 11:55 AM | Send

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