The litigious imams

David H. writes:

I thought this might be of interest. The Star Tribune reports that the “flying imams” will not only sue the airline, but also several passengers who reported their dry-run activities.

So this is where liberalism has led us. The enemy, the most vile filth the civilized world has ever faced, is emboldened enough to wage a witch hunt in our own country, against our own citizens, who had every right to be alarmed. I’m sure the government won’t do a damn thing about this either. Many warn of an upcoming terrorist attack that will surpass September 11. I’d be surprised if it’s only one.

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Carl Simpon writes:

David H. writes: “So this is where liberalism has led us. The enemy, the most vile filth the civilized world has ever faced, is emboldened enough to wage a witch hunt in our own country, against our own citizens, who had every right to be alarmed. I’m sure the government won’t do a damn thing about this either. Many warn of an upcoming terrorist attack that will surpass September 11. I’d be surprised if it’s only one.”

Which is the more vile. the filth that was allowed into our midst or those who 1) let them in; 2) enable them to game the system via lawsuits; and 3) aid and assist them in this? I hate to keep harping on a theme over and over again, but there is zero chance of doing anything about the imams until the liberal traitors who enabled their presence here are destroyed. This is a concept that folks like Robert Spencer just do not comprehend in any way, shape or form. It keeps coming back to the Cicero quote: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But, it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But, the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government, itself.”

LA replies:

It could be described as treason, and I have used that word myself when discussing particularly objectionable individuals. But treason is not the truest or fullest description of this phenomenon. Treason implies that there is an existing, normal country that wants to continue existing, and a treasonous party within that seeks to harm the country. That picture does not fit the reality of liberal society. In liberal society, virtually ALL PEOPLE subscribe to liberal principles which, though they don’t acknowledge it, must lead to the destruction of the society. EVERYONE believes in the equal inclusion of immigrants regardless of culture. Virtually NO ONE in America challenges the liberal non-discriminatory basis of our current immigration law that leads to the admission of millions of Muslims. That being the case, who is the traitor? If the great mass of the American people are betraying their country, and don’t realize they are doing so, can they all be called traitors?

The point is that we cannot turn this situation around by blaming some easily identifiable “bad guy,” the way Diane West in her otherwise strong article last week said that multiculturalism (rather than liberalism) is the enemy that has allowed in the Muslims. By blaming the easy target of multiculturalism, and thus the “left,” for this disaster, rather than the liberal mainstream beliefs that the whole society including conservatives embraces and does not question, West fails to get at the true cause of the problem and therefore has no hope of turning it around. Similarly, to blame the problem on “traitors” also leaves the real cause of the problem unexposed and untouched. To repeat, it is the mainstream belief system of the whole society that is responsbile for letting the Muslims in, and therefore only the renunciation of that belief system by the whole society can save us.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 19, 2007 08:21 PM | Send

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