Fitzgerald on Lewis

One of the very few writers on the right besides myself who openly attacks Bernard Lewis, The World’s Greatest Islam Scholar, is Hugh Fitzgerald. At the New English Review Fitzgerald discusses Lewis’s recent Irving Kristol lecture to the assembled grandees at the American Enterprise Institute including Vice President Cheney. The piece rambles, as Fitzgerald’s writings tend to do, but has many good insights. He notes how Lewis makes it seem that Christians and Jews in Islamic countries lived entirely under their own laws, when in reality they lived under Islamic law, and he condemns the flippancy with which Lewis discusses the possibility of a Muslim conquest of Europe. Like me, Fitzgerald is disgusted and appalled that a man who is so spectacularly wrong and evasive on the most important issues facing our world can be treated with such admiration by the powers that be.

Also, Fitzgerald plainly suggests that Muslims must be expelled en masse from Europe if Europe is to survive.

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From: Jeff in England:

Fitzgerald attacks Bernard Lewis for the weak arguments about Muslims in the West he presents and I am grateful for that. But here’s a key question: Why doesn’t Fitzgerald come down just as hard on Robert Spencer for Spencer’s failure to support MUSLIM IMMIGRATION RESTRICTION (preferably zero immigration)?

It’s easy taking on Lewis who is greatly overrated as a commentator on Muslim affairs. Spencer, a far more astute analyst of Islam and Muslims than Lewis, is just as guilty as Lewis in ignoring the core of the matter: that unless we stop Muslim immigration to Europe in particular immediately all the analysis will be a waste of time, as Muslims will become a majority in many European countries within a very short time. So why doesn’t Fitzgerald take Spencer to task for his failure to present a logical solution to the Muslim problem? Does it have anything to do with the fact that Fitzgerald writes in conjunction with Spencer at Spencer’s Jihad Watch? Oh gosh, what a naughty thought!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 05, 2007 12:46 PM | Send

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