The Fab Fifteen and Britain’s self-abasement

A British columnist, Stephen Glover, speaks the truth, that Britain is humiliated by the hostage situation. Here is his photo of the sailors in their new gray suits waving cheerily as they are released, with the waving hijabbed sailorette in their midst. To their honor, a few of them maintain a grim inexpressive posture. But the disgrace affects the group as a whole.

Has their apparent unprofessionalism contributed to Britain’s humiliation?

Once again a Bob Dylan verse seems so appropriate I can’t refrain from quoting it:

Fifteen jugglers
Fifteen jugglers
Five believers
Five believers
All dressed like men.
Tell your mamma not to worry because,
Yes, they’re just my friends.

Words and Music by Bob Dylan
1966, 1976 Dwarf Music

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 05, 2007 03:34 PM | Send

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