Good fences make good—correction, non-murderous—neighbors

Must reading is Randall Parker’s discussion of how a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel learned through experience what the American creed and the Bushite ideology could not teach him and indeed vociferously deny: that the only way to avoid violence between people who are set on killing each other is to separate them. Parker quotes this from the Wall Street Journal:

“Murders went down, mosque attacks went down,” Peterson said. “So, immediately, there was a sense of relief amongst the population—that they were no longer going to be subjected to national police running around, and essentially, terrorizing the people.”

Parker comments:

These national police work for the Iraqi national government that American soldiers are fighting and dying for. Why do the lessons about human nature have to be learned at such a high cost?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 14, 2007 02:58 PM | Send

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