The best man

Sometime between 2 and 6 p.m. today CSPAN will repeat its 2 1/2 hour broadcast of the Iowa Republican party event yesterday where Tom Tancredo spoke, along with other candidates. I saw the last five minutes of Tancredo’s speech last night and it was excellent. In addition to his devotion to genuine conservatism and his firm stand on illegal immigration (enforcement of the laws will get millions of illegals to leave the U.S. voluntarily, he argues, adding unapologetically that we will deport the rest), he understands the threat of Islam to the West better than any other Republican. Indeed he is the only Republican politician in the last generation, maybe the last two generations, who speaks about “Western civilization.” It is our concrete civilization and nation to which Tancredo is devoted, not a soulless, universalist ideology of democracy. Also, Tancredo has an appealing, likable personality, a fact that places him light years ahead of McCain and Giuliani. Yes, Romney is “attractive” (presidential politics being the one area in American life where we refer to men as attractive), but he also comes across as something of a salesman, and his stunning changes of position are disconcerting. As voters and Americans we should leave aside the question of who has the most money and the most support in the polls, and focus on who is the best man for president. Tancredo is that man.

Also, as a former resident of Colorado (it is the state where, in the spiritual not the physical sense, I was “born and partly raised”), I like the idea of a Coloradan in the White House.

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Irv P. writes:

I just sealed the envelope with my second contribution to the Tancredo campaign. If you folks who frequent “View from the Right” are waiting for a “better” candidate to come along, don’t hold your breath!

Get behind him. Put your money where your mouth is as we used to say when I was a kid in Brooklyn. And spread the word. If he can get enough money to spread his message, he can be a force in the primaries. If he can get on the ballot, he can win!!!

You want a sovereign America, with a culture that will survive, here’s your chance to DO something. Send him a check. Anything!!!

Tancredo for a Secure America
PO Box 96474
Washington, D.C. 20090-6474

LA writes:

Also, Daniel Sheehy’s book, Fighting Immigration Anarchy, has a 38 page chapter on Tom Tancredo, the longest essay about him.

Jason writes:

I am a big supporter of the Congressman. I am very involved in Republican politics locally in the ever present but sometimes fading hope that I can take my party back. I have been told he cannot win, he is too conservative (is there such a thing), he does not have the right “tone”, etc etc etc.

I just smile and point out some facts about him and his campaign, about how Guliani is a RINO who yes did a good job in NYC but that is all. How McCain has done everything in his power to undermine the few good things this President has done from Conservative judges to tax cuts to foreign surveillance. How Romney transformation was to quick and too convenient. As well as why is it that the other side can nominate leftists but we have to nominate moderates?

I also thought the way Tom Tancredo tied abortion to illegal aliens will make some pro life people take a second look. I am glad to see someone else on my side. But it is a long road to go.

Your web site is as always, a great source.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 15, 2007 09:28 AM | Send

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