But don’t we want them to feel welcome in America?

Mark E. sends this from WorldNetDaily:
The Kansas City International Airport has added several foot-washing basins in restrooms to accommodate a growing number of Muslim taxicab drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily Islamic prayer, WND has learned.

The move concerns airport police who worry about Middle Eastern men loitering inside the building. After 9/11, the airport beefed up its police force to help prevent terrorist attacks.

“Why are we constructing places of worship for them inside our airports?” said an airport official who requested anonymity. “Why are we catering to their rituals? We don’t do it for any other religion.”

Mark E. writes:

Why are Americans paying for and supporting the establishment of little pieces of dar al Islam here? Because I am quite sure that is how the Muslims see it. Once it has been deemed “theirs” in some way, those little bits of America are no longer infidel territory. First they establish the dots, then they connect the dots, then they fill in the rest. It’s Muslim Manifest Destiny.

Recently I had an insight while watching a documentary about Cortez conquering the Aztecs. We wonder, How the heck could Cortez with just a relatively few men take over this mighty empire? The answer: the Aztecs let the Spaniards into Tenochtitlan (sp?) and treated them as honored guests, when the Spaniards had no intention of just visiting and leaving. The Aztecs should have killed Cortez right away.

This is exactly what is happening now. We are the Aztecs, and that is how our end-story shall be viewed. “How could anyone possibly defeat the world’s most powerful military and greatest economic engine etc.? They just let them in.”

LA replies:

“First they establish the dots, then they connect the dots, then they fill in the rest. It’s Muslim Manifest Destiny.”

Excellent. Mark E. is the John O’Sullivan of the modern Muslim jihad. (O’Sullivan was the journalist who coined the expression Manifest Destiny in the 1840s.)

But even as this steady Muslim conquest of America is going on, the American left sees Muslims as innocent victims of Western anti-Muslim prejudice, and the American “right” sees Muslims as 1.2 billion pro-Western pro-democratic-capitalism moderates who have somehow been taken over and terrified into near-absolute silence by a tiny minority of Islamist fascists who aren’t real Muslims.

And those are basically the only two views of Islam that are extant in the American mainstream.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 01, 2007 11:28 PM | Send

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