Interracial rape

My article, “The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States” (originally posted last week at VFR), is published today at FrontPage Magazine.

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Kevin C. writes:

I just read your article on interracial rape in the US. My only question for you, which is one you’ve probably been asked before, is: Do you think black women are as likely to report a rape to the police as are white women? I would tend to think that black women, on the whole, are less likely than white women to report a rape to the police.

LA replies:

Let’s say this is true. Let’s say that black women report rape at 1/2 the rate that white women do. The case would remain that 100 percent of rapes of black women are by black men, and 0.0 percent of rapes of black women are by white men. In fact, it would mean that instead of 36,620 black women being raped or sexually assaulted by black men in 2005, 73,240 black women were raped or sexually assaulted by black men in 2005.

Darryl B. writes:

White rapists rape only white women, yes. Black rapists aren’t so choosy, yes. But “white women in this country are being targeted by black rapists” just doesn’t follow. It only follows from the totally unexpected fact that white men essentially never rape black women.

LA replies:

Of course it follows that white women are being targetted by black rapists. In the “normal” course of things, rapists would be raping women in their own environment, not seeking out women in other parts of town, women of different race. The fact of such a huge amount of black on white rape obviously means that black rapists like to rape white women.

Do you think it’s significant that this stunning fact has never once been stated in the mainstream America media?

Further, even if you don’t want to atttribute a conscious racial intent to the rapists, the fact of the interracial figures is itself a big deal.

Do you think it’s significant that there is this unending incidence of black men raping white women in this country, and never once does the media say that black men are raping white women?

From: Jeff in England

Imagine if Dylan put the black rape of white women scenario (or less controversially, black muggings of white people) into a song a la Hattie Carroll. All of a sudden his record contract would be dropped and his icon status severely challenged. Not that he would have the guts to do it. In Dylan’s world as in all white pop stars’ worlds blacks are always the victims and whites write great songs about that and then go to award rock’n’ roll award ceremonies to thank the media for not telling it like it really is.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 03, 2007 08:27 AM | Send

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