The decline of American Renaissance

A promising new writer named Sam Raymond has a well-written, informative, and moving article at The Inverted World called “The Decline of American Renaissance: The once bright hope for whites now appears to have reached a dead end.” Raymond’s theme, which is almost a tragic theme, is that Jared Taylor 13 years ago “seemed to be on the cusp of bringing into being a major new paradigm in American politics: a race realism that could appeal to moderate conservatives… that could appeal to the mass of moderate and sensible Americans, rather than a handful of marginal cranks.” But now, continues Raymond, through his “refusal to denounce the blatant anti-Semitism of many of his followers … Taylor appears at last to have thrown in his lot with the cranks, and the task of building a mass movement must fall to others.”

As anyone who followed VFR’s extensive discussions about the disastrous 2006 AR conference will know, the above theme is close to my heart.

Here are some VFR articles on that subject. The first article on the list was the last written and the most important:

Jared Taylor’s refusal to condemn anti-Semitism

The Dar al-Whiteness

The world-bending pathology of the anti-Semites

Figuring out the anti-Semites

The American Renaissance anti-Semite saga continues

Anti-Semites: the evil and stupid party

Do I have a double standard on Jews and blacks?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 17, 2007 12:30 AM | Send

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