Two tidbits from Tiberge

Seems like bad news all around.


Several articles center on the already-discernible veering to the Left of Nicolas Sarkozy, as he prepares to force a European constitution on the French people who had nonetheless strongly voted against it; as he voices no objection to the continuation of talks on Turkey [i.e. talks on Turkish membership in the EU] …


… Philippe de Villiers [leader of a nationalist party that many saw as a non-crackpot alternative to Le Pen’s National Front] is now considered a traitor because he has put his party and his candidates under the aegis of Nicolas Sarkozy’s UMP, with the explanation that he still represents the Right and will back Sarkozy as long as Sarkozy behaves like a true conservative. This is rather pointless, since Sarkozy has never behaved like a true conservative.

Forgive me, but I always felt de Villiers looked like a salesman in a tv commercial.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 02, 2007 05:30 PM | Send

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