You can’t accuse the Times of down-playing terrorism, no sir-ee Bob

While “NewYork’s Hometown Paper,” the Daily News, has a total of seven stories and editorials on the JFK plot, the infinitely more prestigious New York Times has one story on it. Moreover, the article is not linked anywhere near the top of the Times’ main page, but is buried toward the bottom, in tiny print, under the heading “NY / Region,” where it is grouped with such earth-shaking stories as “Company for an Only Child, and for Parents, Peace of Mind,” and “An East Village Haven for Meat Lovers Closes Its Doors.” (See below.)

How about that: a group of Muslim fundamentalists discussed and planned for months a major terrorist attack aimed at destroying Kennedy Airport and much of Queens in a gigantic fireball, and the Times considers that a story that is only relevant to the New York City region. Just as liberalism reduces the Islamic campaign against America to a bunch of separate discrete incidents with no overall connection to each other and no larger meaning, it reduces this story of national and civilizational significance to the category “NY / Region.” However, the Daily News is not in the clear either: all of its stories on the foiled plot were in the paper’s Crime section, with “Crime” in big letters at the top of each page.

Here’s the way the link to the article appears, far down on the Times’ main page, June 3, 2007:

N.Y. / Region

4 Men Accused of Plot to
Blow Up Kennedy
Airport Terminals and
Fuel Lines

Company for an Only
Child, and for Parents,
Peace of Mind

An East Village Haven
for Meat Lovers Closes
Its Doors

It wasn’t any better in the print version of the newspaper, where the story appeared on p. 37.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2007 02:50 PM | Send

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